Natick Travelodge to become Limited-Oversight Third-Party BioLab Space

This type of stuff doesn’t bother me…. but I know its a hot button issue to some… So I’m posting it. “ABI-LAB is an accelerator and bio-incubator in Natick, MA that supports startups and larger companies in the life science, biotech, medical technology, and medical data industries. ABI-LAB offers affordable, move-in ready lab space that is

Mega-Apartment Developer, VTT, seeks to halt Zammuto DTF Mega-Apartment Proposal.

The following is a letter received by the Planning Board in regards to a Charlie Zammuto proposed mega apartment building. The top two listed LLC’s are owned by VTT, a major apartment developer in the City of Framingham. The developer of the building VTT and Kerstegens is seeking to stop is Charlie Zammuto, another major