“She made history as the first Black woman mayor popularly elected in Mass. Now, she’s the underdog in her reelection bid”
The Boston Globe 10/20/2021 (LINK TO ARTICLE)
It looks like Spicer went crying to the Boston Globe about having to work hard for her re-election. What the Globe published is an article that is racist and ageist. Spicer should immediately denounce its tone – but we know she won’t.
An excerpt: “The Stefanini-Spicer showdown of four years ago was bruising enough. This time around, the unofficial opposition to Spicer has been merciless. She is regularly pilloried on an anonymous local blog that has photoshopped her image onto a caricature of a white-faced clown. Another public campaign urges voters to back “Anyone But Spicer” and distributes yard signs with profane slogans. The attacks have been so vitriolic that Sisitsky issued a statement in the spring distancing his campaign from them.”
The Globe’s article paints the the clown image as racist, when it isn’t. She’s just a fucking clown, one of many in her administration, who has turned this city into a circus. This image was used as an overlay image during a morning show Greg Hill interview in which Hill poked fun at Spicer’s expense.
Spicer wasn’t the only clown we have created over here at FU. In a City Council meeting Tracy Bryant wanted to complain about FU but didn’t want to acknowledge us by name. For that act of patheticism, we turned her into a clown as well.
The article goes on to attack our local legislative delegation, saying, “The legislators’ abandonment stung Spicer, who identified with both of them as political “others,” and noted that “both of them have Black and brown children.” What a scumbag move by the mayor to invoke someone’s kids into a hit piece.
Globe article or not, it is time to traveling circus to move out of town, and they must have all their clowns accounted for. Voters must do the responsible thing and vote Spicer out.

Selected comments attached to the Globe article.