See our coverage of their license revocation hearing earlier on the summer, in the link below you will find the investigative documents from the police leading up to their violation and hearing:
After denying that they have been operating as a night club, essentially since they had opened their doors, including during this summer’s license revocation hearing, which led to a 3-day liquor license suspension, and a determination that they also violated their entertainment license… to a safety scope compared to that of the Station Nightclub. A police officer sitting in during the hearing, suggested without directly stating it, said that the violations are continuing.
Now, on November 18th, Cafe Belo seeks from the license board, to expand their licensure from their current, “DJ with keyboard only and acoustic music”, to now allow for, “Live Music Bands, DJ, Karaoke, Voice Contest, LED TV’s and Stand-Up Comedy”.
They are essentially seeking licensure for all the media types associated with a nightclub, without seeking licensure for a night club itself, which is essentially low lighting and dancing, which they already do, without permission.
What could go wrong??? Even the departments in the city, have the wool over their eyes on this one. Insane that this would even be considered okay by any of these guys. Is someone padding some pockets somewhere? In-Fucking-Sane.

Below you will read that the police officer, with no objections, states that no dancing or nightclub conditions will be authorized by them…. when this business has a long standing history of violating every rule set forth in their path.
It was even suggested that the rules violated were so flagrant, that if there was a fire or other emergency at this facility, it would probably equate to something like the Station Nightclub fire in Coventry RI in the 2000’s.
Here’s the application package for Monday’s hearing.