DPW Dimwit of the Day

Today’s image comes from an anonymous contributor who was following behind a DPW vehicle today, and noticed a very risky act by the DPW.

The DPW has some leadership issues right now, a transitional manager. Three weeks ago Blake Luke’s departed just months after being promoted…. He has been replaced by the Traffic Commussion chair and Chief Engineer William Sedewitz.

We were notified that the city’s $50,000 ASV skid loader was strapped to a utility trailer secured by a single bungee cord. Further research shows that this isn’t a flat bed equipment hauler trailer, but instead is a utility trailer. Utility trailers usually are utilized for garden equipment and snow blowers and typically are rated to carry 5,000-8,000 lbs. While it is hard to tell the exact model of the ASV loader pictured, if it is a RT-50, it weighs over 5000lbs, if its a higher end model we are looking at over 9000lbs. Lets forget about the cost to this piece of equipment if tumbled off the side or came crashing through the back mesh of the trailer. This would be pure criminal negligence if it tumbled onto a vehicle or fell into the path of a oncoming vehicle.

Certainly the likelihood of calamity is pretty low, but it is 100% not how the DPW crew is trained to secure their loads. If you think that the walls and rear cage would prevent this issues… think again. Skid loaders falling off trailers are a common cause of death… and lawsuits against municipalities.

DPW… take this moment to reflect…. and DO BETTER!

18 thoughts on “DPW Dimwit of the Day

  1. This is BS just smearing a good hardworking dept. The new director of highway is doing a great job and this crew seen here are part of the most indispensable crew the city has. Just someone with an axe to grind. Hey clown you are filming while driving that’s an offense itself. As far as the old director and his name escapes me nau he was a bully that drove out more great people. As far as being committed Frank you hit it on the head he should have been committed. Maybe you are unaware of the reign of terror the last 17 years or so. Manage thru fear always great for morale. Keep up the great work highway department the fun season is on its way and you will continue to make the city proud. Nightwatch take care of your own house before trying blow up others.

  2. Passengers and dash cameras can take pictures without breaking the law.
    That said, I hope a little training is due for all Public Works personnel.
    Old Guy, your defensive comments are well read and your constant axe grinding against a great Director who got things accomplished is getting old.
    Feel free to list what the new Director did lately. She is complete joke.

  3. Framingham employees driving city owned vehicles always seem to be above the law. To prove my point, take notice of 2 things they do constantly.
    They drive while using a hand held device and headlights are never on while driving in the rain “wipers on lights on”.
    Please lead by example and be proud of what you do.

  4. Most of the guys enjoy working for the new director if you happen to be one of the few that was protected by this guy all the years I understand that. He did take care of his own, but to manage grown men and women like you own them? Is that someplace you would like to work? The new director works really hard she listens to the guys who have experience in their particular field whether it’s paving, trash or trees. etc. when you get a chance Spencer give me a list of those accomplishments that the old director did for town or city and I will counter them. More people left because of the work conditions mainly what he created. Next time you are shining his shoes ask him about the case the city just settled for him, yeah us tax payers footed the bill for him terminating an employee without cause. That’s just one long list . Rub and Tug in Cambridge? That’s 2 Shall I continue?

  5. Is that what the perception of the city employment is? Picking your trash answering sewer and water calls. Showing up thru the pandemic like the good and dedicated workers that they are. This city is so spoiled some unions haven’t had a cost of living raise in 3 years, insurance has gone up, groceries, gas, real estate taxes all have gone so that means their buying power has gone down. You still want your services and you still are getting them yet someone has a hair across their ass about what they perceive as an unsafe trailer? The picture does not depict anything unsafe. Tell me with that country club membership do employees surrender their rights to be bullied? How about the great former director while just regular guy punched a supervisor? Swept under the carpet by the gentleman whose name is on the building. Morale is back the big bad wolf has left the building. I am sure the new mayor is being pressured to bring him back but that would be a step back. Retired and having fun poking the bear. OLD guy is out

  6. Sounds like you are worth your salt. Bagel and cream cheese and that offer might get me there. Keep up the great work DPW well worth my taxes hopefully new Mayor will take care of union contract the boys and girls have gone above and beyond. Bugga Bugga

  7. Where is the investigation into illegal structure built inside 100 Western Ave garage? Green lighted by Nau and New Director directed the thousands to fund it.
    Forced to rip it down and throw into dumpster by Building Inspector, Board of Health and Fire Dept.
    Wasted money and man power. Not to mention special lighting installed in garage to have his city vehicle polished every single day. Washed and Polished regardless of weather conditions.

  8. to whom it may concern people always complain about city workers above comments good some bad let me know when your having coffee i will be there so we can talk about how d.p.w is run its a lot better than it was retired worker oh i know where salt is almost forgot the asv was most likely going from western ave to Henry st for s/w plowing and that trl can handle it

  9. The “stay at home mom” has been at work everyday for a long time…fact!
    She is getting all the work done her predecessor did without being a condescending bully.
    Is it true the city just settled a wrongful termination lawsuit filed against Dan Nau and the city?
    I hope our Mayor elect does not plan on having this guy on his transition team or bringing him back in some capacity. The residents of this city don’t realize the amazing services provided by the DPW. drive through other communities in the winter. Try getting a water leak stopped or sewer blockage taken care of somewhere else. Not to mention the men and women of the Fire and Police department that are always on call.

    1. too late, the boy has been invited to the transition team from word on the street. Maybe a consulting job in the offing for our old general. Snow and Ice or trash? listening to this blog the leader now isn’t doing the job. I beg to differ, the crew trusts her and continue to work hard for her. Oldguy did his time and had to deal with the previous leadership, the Jimmy Hanscom mini me mange thru fear is outdated. Give this new group a chance all will be good.

  10. Funny how Dan played both sides of the fence. He came in on a Saturday to clean Spicers garage so she could hide her new City vehicle in there. And nobody could tell if she was traveling in it for weekend getaways.
    Dan campaigned hard to get Charlie elected, the payoff being back in the Ham to bring things back in order. Doubt he will focus solely on Public Works though.

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