Census tract data has necessitated the city of Framingham to be ripped apart into four State House Legislative Districts when currently there are only two. The change will occur on Jan 4, 2023. Currently the majority of Framingham is represented by Maria Robinson (6th Middlesex District), and a small portion of southside is represented by Jack Patrick Lewis (7th Middlesex District). When redistricting occurs, two more districts will soon represent parts of Framingham. The north side of the city will be represented by the 4th Middlesex District rep, and a small area surrounding Callahan park, will be represented by the 19th Worcester District rep.
In 2020 Robinson was elected to her current post after defeating Mary Kate Feeney, currently running for District 3 City Council in a primary race. While Robinson’s term end’s about a year from now… she was recently nominated by US President Biden to work in the federal government as the assistant secretary in the Office of Electricity. Granted the nomination process goes smoothly, she will be in that role before her term as state rep ends.
Regardless of when Robinson is confirmed to her new role, this will leave a legislative delegation void in Framingham. Eyeing that spot, and planning her next run for office is former Framingham City Councilor Margareth Shepard, who in the most recent election bowed out of running, letting two newcomers vie for her spot.

Fortunately for Shepard, in an election for the 6th Middlesex District, she doesn’t need to present herself to any out of towners who may not know her yet, as the entire 6th Middlesex District lies within the confines of the City of Framingham, and covers the entire south side, including her former district, District 7.
Unfortunately for Shepard, leaving her district, she decided to get involved with the dirtiest of the dirty players in Framingham, the executive board of the Framingham Democratic Committee, including but not limited to, Michael Hugo, Norma Schulman, Jim Hansen, then candidate Leora Mallach, a ‘journalist’ from the Framingham Patch, and also involving current and former city councilors, and current state reps, in a plan to publicly defame a candidate for office, using city owned resources. This earned Shepard a referral to the Massachusetts State Ethic Commission for a formal complaint.
The complaint has been accepted, supporting evidence has been uploaded to the case, and it is under review by the state.
As suspected when new mayor took over, CC is already giving this admin a free pass. I watched the COO the other night only been a few days but if you watched the expressions on this board this guy and his boss already walk on water. Going to cure common cold, hell the pandemic is over. Thatcher never got this treatment, Tusino really gave very generic answers to the questions, hell Bill Belicheck is more informative. Been a week but that time frame was never afforded the previous mayor and her group, she was grilled form first meeting. Waiting for the little guy Cannon to get cranked up but he left his bullying at home for the night, 4 years of constantly being the little shit in the school yard that tells the teacher on everyone. his act is tiresome. Public service is admirable but his behavior and the chairman were doing a disservice to this city. I voted for Charlie and wish him well, tough times ahead. Crickets from this blog where are the readers and commenters amazing this site is still around.