Framingham Public Schools have bought into the new era of thinking and progressiveness. FPS is one of 175 school in the US to be a partner with engagingschools.org This “system” focuses on restorative justice rather than actual punishments for students actions. We won’t dive deep into this subject as its proven to not work here in Framingham despite the glowing review from one teacher
“The Code recalibration process with Engaging Schools has been really awe- some. I appreciate the open ears that Engaging Schools staff brought as we described what our experience in the district has been and what our schools specifically need.
The process placed a big focus on a culture shift –not just the nitty gritty rules–as well as on how skillful behaviors can be learned and practiced. I’m hopeful this belief and language will become common among students, staff, and families and that our new Code will change the culture of discipline to a restorative one, moving us as a school to a more positive climate.”
— Michele McGahan, Cornerstone Director and Teacher, Framingham High School, Framingham, MA
Sorry Michele but Framingham schools have not been moving towards a more positive climate this year. Violence is on the rise and we have a full blown cover up of the riot at Walsh Middle School.
Harmony Grove teachers have reached out to us to bring light to the atrocity that is their “reset” room. A windowless office void of any furniture with a single bright light and a blue square taped on the floor. Thats where the behavior team takes kids to “reset”. Children can be heard screaming when in the reset room all the way on the second floor according to numerous tips. Imagine being a child having a tough moment and being taken to a room that can only instill fear and loneliness. The reset room at Harmony Grove does not follow the basic guidance of what a reset room is and should be, it is the complete opposite. This borders on child abuse. We know McCarthy also has a reset room and is set up in a better manner than the one at HG.
Throughout our information gathering with parents and teachers we feel that a fine legal line is being straddled by Framingham Public Schools in terms of how and when the rooms are used and how students are kept in the room. Below is a link to more information so parents can be informed of what is and what isn’t allowed to be done by the school.