When you can figure out what the world salad above is let us know please. We do know its an excuse to hide racism and a bad attempt to remove personal accountability. We think Isadore Niyongabo thinks this word is his get out of racism free card.
Isdaore is the Chief People Officer at The Learning Center for the deaf here in Framingham. WTF is a Chief People Officer? Well according to the TLC he’s part of the HR team. Isadore is well educated and has a strong history of black deaf advocacy. The snag is that he blames everything on white people and whitesupremacycishetroimperialism. He definitely hates white Santa

Recently he has spoken out about the Will Smith Slap hear round the world. If you don’t agree with Isadore he will accuse you of white fragility and being whitewashed.We believe he is obviously harboring some very strong hatred of white people. For someone who has openly said during interviews he chooses not to be a victim, well that didn’t age well seeing as he blames whitesupremacycishetroimperialism for people who don’t agree with him. Let that sink in a deaf black man born into poverty in Africa moves to the United States achieves great things but still sees himself as the victim. The Learning Center for the deaf has received many complaints about his statements and even issued an email defending him and threatening anyone who doesn’t agree with the racist.

Sarah and the TLC do not tolerate any negative characterization of Isadore. Does TLC tolerate his negative characterizations of people? Here below is the thread of conversation he has and you can see for yourself how he uses race to belittle others. Isadore needs to issue an apology for saying that Fiona Perez is white washed. Attacking a hispanic female and making such an accusation is very disturbing from someone appointed to a position of authority and someone who is supposed to be bringing people together. TLC needs to issue a statement condemning Isadores racist comments and negative characterizations that he is portraying.

WTF is a Chief People Officer?
It’s a position made up for “victims” like this shit stain. It just goes to show that anyone can get a job, even if you’re dumb, deaf, and………well, let’s just call it being a “victim”.