It’s almost like cheating… City seeks to raise money by employing LPR cameras and ticket remotely.

Bid Number:7425
Bid Title:License Plate Reader

The City of Framingham (“City”) will be accepting bids from qualified vendors to provide and install License Plate Reader technology, commonly known as “LPR” cameras in the City of Framingham.

Bid  documents can be obtained electronically through the City of Framingham’s Vendor Registry portal 

Please log on and register your company to obtain these documents

Bid documents will be available on Wednesday April 13, 2022 at 10:00 A.M on Vendor Registry.   

Bids shall be submitted through Vendor Registry and are due on Thursday April 28, 2022 at 10:30 A.M

The City reserves the right to reject any and all submissions, to waive any minor informalities & technicalities, or to cancel the bid if it were in the public interest to do so.

Publication Date/Time:
4/5/2022 12:00 AM
Closing Date/Time:
4/28/2022 10:30 AM
Contact Person:
Amy Putney
Procurement Administrator

1 thought on “It’s almost like cheating… City seeks to raise money by employing LPR cameras and ticket remotely.

  1. The question about this should be: how are the cameras going to be used? Many PDs use them in cruisers to quickly check for stolen/unregistered vehicles on the road. This saves the officer from looking at all the plates and running the numbers manually. If these cameras are going to take stolen/unregistered/uninsured/etc. cars off the road more easily, then it’s a good thing. Or are they automated speed and red light cameras? In which case there are some serious legal implications.

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