On Monday May 23rd, the City Council’s Public Health Safety and Transportation subcommittee will meet and a large portion of the discussion on the agenda is the ‘CPC Progress and Plans’ to go forward. On the subcommittee is Tracey Bryant, Phil Ottaviani, and Leora Mallach. Phil sat in on the last Community Preservation Commission (CPC) meeting – and he took in all the in-fighting, and for the first time learned that the Commission was not meeting its goals, any of them, and that residents would begin paying for the Community Preservation Act, on their tax bills, a 3% fee, and with the deadlines not being met… We’ll be paying into something we won’t be able to legally use.

Here’s what Phil had to say after watching the meeting in the background.
Also on Monday, there is a Community Preservation Commission meeting which we do recommend watching. It has been always the women against the misogynistic men. Elements of misogyny have exuded from Doug Stephen, Steve Weisman, and the Chair of the CPC Thom Mahoney. Doug and Steve are in our opinion misogynic assholes, Thom the chair allows it.
The Monday CPC meeting is the one we recommend watching. Their last meeting was cancelled suddenly, after Doug Stephen and Phil Ottaviani called the Mayor to set up a meeting. The two of the asked the Mayor to cancel the meeting due to hostilities. The crazy thing about Doug – is per his him, in his own words, he doesn’t have time for the CPC, to do the work that the CPC requires of him. He would much rather leave the CPC, and come back when the there is voting, when the fun begins. We at FU speculate that Doug has pet projects he would like to approve for friends who might apply for grant money.
In the video below – listen to Doug suggest that he wants to quit – until the work is done and projects are being voted on. He essentially doesn’t want to do the hard stuff and wants to do the fun stuff.
Also on Monday – the Chairman Thom Mahoney has been asked to add to the agenda a ‘vote of no confidence’ in the leadership of himself Thom Mahoney. As of now, he refuses to put on the agenda that a vote that could call into question his leadership ability. He has also been asked to step down from his role as Chairman – and refuses.
With this post we are calling on Mahoney to do the right thing and accept that members of the commission are calling for a vote, and by not putting it on the agenda, he is hindering the group from discussing his leadership ability and possibly making it a violation of the open meeting law to actually have a vote.
We expect spitballing and fireworks, and maybe some implosions to occur on Monday night at the CPC. We will be there on hand to ensure transparancy, and to accurately report on the outcome of the meeting.
On Monday May 23rd at 7PM you can join the CPC meeting by Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 838 9538 0415
Passcode: 948627
The documents that may be discussed in the City Council Public Health Safety and Transportation subcommittee meeting, can be found below. Click to enlarge the pages.

If you feel like it, on Monday May 23rd at 6PM you can join the City Council Public Health Safety and Transportation subcommittee meeting, by Zoom, one hour before the CPC meeting itself starts.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 815 8222 5729
Passcode: 348300
If you have some time, watch this meeting below. This is the most recent CPC meeting. And the one which has led to where we are now. Or for the highlights – scroll down to the second video.