OML VIOLATION: Human Relations Commission Chair in final meeting in that role – forgets all about Rights, Equality, and Law


A year ago in another Human Relations Commission meeting Councilor Tracey Bryant – who is not a member of the Commission interjected and told the chair about rules that simply don’t exist. We requested “the rules” for the commission or for decorum in remote meetings as a whole in the city and came up empty.

The City Council however does have rules for their meetings about interjecting as a member of the public without first being recognized.

It is apparent that Councilor Bryant prefers to make up rules over reading them.

Last night, in a Zoom based Human Relations Commission meeting – a member of the public wanted to observe the meeting, and its election of a new chairperson.

A member of the commission judged the observer on what they looked like, or didn’t look like for that matter…. and rights were violated.

The letter below is their complaint to the city.

We have requested the meeting video and chat log and will add it to this story as soon as it becomes available. This is a developing story.

From: K9 Trainer <>
Date: Thu, Jun 9, 2022 at 9:45 PM
Subject: OML & First Amendment Violation by Human Relations Commission
To: <>, <>


This should be considered a Open Meeting Law violation complaint.  Please forward to me a link to the Human Relations Commission video for 6/9/2022 as well as the recorded chat log for documentation. 

On June 9th, 2022, I attended the Human Relations Commission meeting by Zoom under alias Puma Castle LLC.  I was listening quietly without comment.  When one member of the HRC got upset at the presence of an outsider who didn’t have a name or video up, the chair interjected and said something along the lines of as long as they are not disrespectful, they can stay.  So I wrote something along the lines of “And if he’s disrespectful he can leave. That’s bullshit.”  After a few moments of discussion – they decided that the statement was profane and I was booted from the meeting.

I have a right to watch my government in action, I have a right to redress my grievances.  I have a right to attend any public meeting in any fashion, anonymous or not.  I have a right under to attend meetings remotely under  940 CMR 29.10 and  G.L. c. 4, § 7.  I have a right to public participation in remote zoom meetings.  If other members of a public body can utilize the chat feature – this means that I too – can utilize the chat feature.  I have the right to publicly participate equally  G.L. c. 30A, §§18-25. 

The First Amendment was violated by the Human Relations Commission at least three times. Right to observe government, right to redress grievances, and lastly my right to free speech, does not end with profanities, as profanities are in fact is protected free speech.   

Therefore in exercising my rights – I was censored, and prohibited from a continuation of my exercise in free speech and participation in government.  The person in control of my fate, an overzealous zoom administrator, the Chair of the Human Relations Commission, a person who based on their role, should understand rights and equality – which I was not afforded.

I attempted to rejoin the meeting several times and was not allowed back in. 

Please follow the protocols of an open meeting law violation.   I will follow up with the state with next steps if appropriate. 

Puma Castle LLC

GET ANGRY FRAMINGHAM – This is agenda over human dignity – and Mayor Sisitsky may be leading the charge. This is tax money you already paid, to be spent by corrupt old white men.

We can do better.
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