Speaking of Karen’s – I have one of these t-shirts available. Join the “Events Only Group” listed above and you will be in the running to receive this shirt. Beth complained to my shirt producer and got the design suspended. There is only one available. It could turn into a collectors item.
Click to Join the FB Group Now!
Winner will be picked once we hit 300 members.
Did Bruce Jenner finally cut it off ?? Just kidding, I don’t even know what it is, I am not a biologist
Did the Downtown Renaissance people stop by to look at this ?
Here’s the real part that sucks. A Framingham D.P.W. worker will have to dispose of this disgusting thing. The poor bastards that have to empty the barrels downtown have to.pick up shit like this as well as used needles. The D.P.W. guys get no extra stipend money for doing this. It is not in their job description. There is a company right down the road in Natick that specializes in this type of work.
Northside Bob, DPW workers are union. If it’s not in their job description they will not do it.
Slave2thegrind : Didn’t matter in this case if they were Union or not. They were told they have to do this type of work ! ! !
Its a shame they are expected to do this, Hey City Council and Mayor. this needs to be addressed right away, come on Janet you know where the southside is don’t you? (Ya know when I get down there to meet the Lt Gov for photo opps we always stop by the square to wish all well, ya know.) G King is another, there are problems south of the tracks. Ms. Bryant hello isn’t his your district? J Stefanini right down the street in Tripoli. Its a shame the downtown has come to this but let solve all the other problems first, moving offices and building private out houses in City Hall. The program is falling apart, water and sewer rates are on the rise, no workers in DPW, bunch of retirements on the horizon the baby boomers on their way out. This is the town I grew up in and worked for but far from the one I remember. Good luck to my Union brothers be careful downtown maybe one day you will be appreciated. Old guy is out for the 4th