A new couple at the intersection of Rte 30 and Speen, the regular guy must be on vacation.
When we ran the phone number on the Zelle. We come back with a Robert Valerio (AKA Roberto A Valerio Molina or Roberto Antonio Valerio) of Bay Shore, NY. He lives in a single family house, 4 bed, 3 bath, sold in 2016 for $340,000. Robert is 47 years old. He has a criminal record for domestic battery out of Florida.
That’s what the public records say. Further Facebook research finds a Roberto Valerio living in Framingham.
Further examination of the house in Bay Shore, NY finds the house where the phone number on Zelle is registered – is owned by a Julia Wint.
Todays beggar certainly looks a lot like a person related to Framingham’s Roberto Valerio. We believe it to be his daughter. We don’t have all the answers. However social media for Roberto Valerio of Framingham shows no concern for cancer, illustrates no infant children.
This looks to be a scam.

Is Lisa on vacation?