Former Operations Director of McAuliffe Public Charter School in Framingham, Dayshel Reid was caught embezzling over $50,000 from public funds. The money stolen is Massachusetts, Framingham, and other local municipality public monies.
Why was she not charged?
Perhaps it’s because of her age, or her race or her other prestigious role as a president of graduate student education research at a Boston university. At the time the police report was filed – She was already on administrative leave, and had resigned. It seemed that the police report timing a month after the crime was discovered, was to allow the funds to be recovered and so that the crime could be not prosecuted.
Unfortunately we now know about it, and the victims, whether we knew it or not, is us, the taxpayers of the city of Framingham and all who pay into the coffers of the charter school. It is a disservice to not file charges – as this is a school, what’s the message to the kids – that it’s okay to borrow money… or perhaps this was never to come out.
Seems silly that this was never to come out, as the school felt it was important to have on record that she stole the money, the police report – specifically stated that they were choosing to not to hold her accountable. They created a document… a police report, a public record.

Perhaps this incident is one of the reasons that Frank Tipton is no longer employed in the district himself. It was announced that he would not be returning to McAuliffe in January. He personally filed the FOIA request for the police report below. Why was it requested the day after the last day of the school year? What is Tipton’s motivation in requesting this record?

Reid is someone who has had numerous prestigious positions everywhere she goes. She is a true social justice warrior. We don’t know if this was a decision by Frank Tipton to cover this up, or if it was a decision by the board of trustees (essentially a school committee structure). We have filed all the required public records requests to both the school, the city, and to DESE, and are awaiting responses.
The embezzlement took place in November 2021. A deeper investigation shows that Reid closed on a house just a few weeks after embezzling funds to seemingly pay off debt. Was this also mortgage fraud?

Reid left the school a few days after she was put on administrative leave in February. By April she was a new hire for the Concord nonprofit American Promise, as a Director of Operations. In this role she is responsible for millions of dollars, which are to be dispersed to candidates who support passage of the proposed 28th Amendment.
The board of trustees for the Christa McAuliffe Charter School includes, Chair Bob Berman, Treasurer John Buckley, Vice Chair Chris Petrini, Non-Voting Member Danielle Barney, and Members Tarek Tabbara, Amy Ludlam, Jeff Gonneville, Rick Felty, and Kim Comatas. We are investigating who knew what, and we hope to be able to follow up soon. If someone pushed for this criminal perp to be let off the hook and suffer no negative consequences from the theft of quasi public funds – FU readers will be the first to know.
Thank you Framingham Unfiltered for bringing this out. Prosecute the woman! A lot of these people looking for all the diversity, equity and inclusion BS are actually on their own agenda. Prosecute her. Put her name out in the public. I appreciate the digging that you guys do here at FU.
Here’s the problem. We have a free press in this country and Framingham has proven again that it’s not too free. (It actually costs the people money).