The Human Relations Commission (HRC) failed to respond to our Open Meeting Law (OML) complaint in a matter prescribed by law. As such we have notified the state of this willful disregard of the law.
K9 Trainer <> | 7:45 AM (8 minutes ago) | ![]() ![]() | |
to openmeeting, team, cityclerk, Boards![]() |
On June 13 2022, we filed a OML complaint on the meeting of June 9 2022 for the Human Relations Committee. By today – the board had to have responded. The did not. Therefore we are presenting this matter to the state for their determination, adding the additional evidence that was not available at the time of submission.
1) the video of the meeting in question: (below)
see guide for timestamps on video. It is clear that the commission does not understand the OML, nor the does the city councilor who they consult during the meeting.
2) a letter by member Dana Essigman to the mayor indicating further OML violations (we possibly will be filing a second OML complaint based on this letter)
I will be available to discuss this matter by email. If you need anything from me please let me know. I will be pressing ahead with my appeal to the state due to the Human Relations Commission – not responding as required by law.
Gerry Webber
10min 17sec: “Who is Puma Castle”
20min 45sec: “As long as they are respectful”
22min 40sec: Message from Puma Castle LLC discussed
23min 20sec: “bullshit” is labelled “profanity and such”
23min 30sec: Puma Castle LLC removed from meeting
24min 00sec: Frank Wood enters the waiting room & allowed entrance, drops line in chat about OML violation having had occurred.
28min 05sec: Puma Castle rejoins the waiting room as “OML Violation”
28min 21sec: “More disruption in the name itself.”
28min 40sec: City Councilor Bryant shows how little she herself knows about the OML.
29min 50sec: City Council Bryant says, not letting someone in the room is not an OML violation
1hr 7min 00sec: OML training and while they speak about the OML requirements and show their lack of understanding of the laws.
1hr 7min 50sec: “anonymous trolls” then “they would actually have to show up”

19:26:40 From Puma Castle, LLC to Everyone:
So if he’s disrespecting he’s not allowed to stay. That’s bullshit.
19:27:00 From Puma Castle, LLC to Everyone:
Freedom of speech much?
19:27:29 From Bebe Blackman, Chair (She/Her) to Everyone:
The purpose of the Commission shall be to deal with the causes of intergroup disunity which underlie the urban crisis, including, but not limited to, the elimination of conditions of bias discrimination and prejudice against minority groups, and to establish affirmative action programs to ensure equal enforcement of the law, and equal protection of the law, for all groups regardless of race, color, religious creed, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender identity, age, disability, sexual orientation, genetics, status as an active member of the armed forces of the United States, or any other protected class recognized under state or federal law (“protected class status”).
19:38:24 From Bebe Blackman, Chair (She/Her) to Everyone:
(Per the City of Framingham website)
19:53:38 From Frank Wood to Everyone:
OML complaint filed.
20:05:55 From Renan Pinheiro to Bebe Blackman, Chair (She/Her)(Direct Message):
I apologize but I need to go - thank you everyone
20:07:11 From Bebe Blackman, Chair (She/Her) to Everyone:
Thanks for coming Renan
20:09:30 From Frank Wood to Everyone:
You’re meeting in 14 days. I love the sudden concern with the oml. But you got a new one today.
20:10:41 From Bebe Blackman, Chair (She/Her) to Everyone:
Gregory and Roberta for reference:
20:10:45 From Bebe Blackman, Chair (She/Her) to Everyone:
20:12:23 From Bebe Blackman, Chair (She/Her) to Everyone:
Also please reach out to to ask if there will be a training
20:13:31 From Frank Wood to Everyone:
The Secretary of State is still hearing it. So… not really appropriate to say that now.
20:15:09 From Bebe Blackman, Chair (She/Her) to Everyone:
HRC meeting portal:
20:15:12 From Bebe Blackman, Chair (She/Her) to Everyone:
20:22:15 From Frank Wood to Everyone:
Oml violation if you do