Power grab by Mayor to undermine City Council’s strength on the CPC.

This reminds me to the time that Spicer wrested control of Water AND Sewer rate-setting. When she took office the power was shared to limit what damage the mayor could do. Spicer won, the Council handed her the power and the financial shit show has resulted in a Moody’s bond rating decrease.

Spicer fought to try to get a pick on the CPC, much like what Sisitsky is doing now, and Council won the right to appoint three members, Spicer – none. This battle will be equally tenuous.

At every turn, Sisitisky has the choice to do the right thing and – at every turn he has disappointed. The right thing would be to withdraw this request. If he wins this pick, it will be interesting to see who he has in mind for this seat. Will it be a donor, or perhaps someone who helped him win… The favoritism for old white mysoginsitic turds from the north side never ends with this guy. We will be watching…

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