If you didn’t read our initial post, please click the link below:
On July 22, with only 48 hours notice, which is the minimum time allowed by law, the Financial Committee of the McAuliffe Board of Trustees met.
All indications are that this was not a well publicized event and that the only attendees may have been board members. There was no indication that there was any public participation or public attendance of this meeting.
We have a FOIA currently out which will help us understand what really happened and what did not. Per reporting in the Framingham Source, Bob Berman, Chair of the Board of Trustees for the school stated to the media outlet that they complied with the policies and procedures as required by law, including reporting the incident to the police and DESE.
Per our research – we are finding indications that prompt and proper reporting to the authorities – may not be an accurate representation of what actually transpired. We’ll get to that in a moment. First we want to talk about a discussion that the Board had to create rules in their policy and procedure manual to prevent future larcenies such as this.
During the July 22 meeting the Finance Committee amended their policy manual in the following way – to prevent a theft like this from happening again.
Why are they doing this in July and not in February when the crime was discovered is easy, nobody knew about it until FU broke the story.
Here are the policy changes. (SOURCE LINK FOR DOCUMENT BELOW: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EjrBEVrkndt2eALiIrE94UWgLzqSL54JT1PHLtNDCuI/)

Now for the good stuff, at the bottom of the July 22 meeting agenda is a description of what happened in the hour that the Board met. (SOURCE LINK: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZTwvgSz8NxuYbZU5Y1nhXPtXWAUnwLGg-j3ub8jmAcE)

Here you see a “DESE decision to notify the Inspector General and Attorney General”, as a matter referred to them. Our guess is that the FOIA when it comes back from DESE, is that it was not until we reported this matter, and filed our FOIA that they were totally in the dark about this larceny. If it turns out that this is true, it is likely that statements made to the Framingham Source may have been untrue.
This is a story that is unravelling…. as we pull at the threads. We will keep you apprised of updates.
As for the perpetrator – if you read our original reporting on this matter, while it is likely that this crime was committed to commit some sort of mortgage fraud, and while she may still be living at her house. Changes to Dayshel Reid’s LinkedIn profile, indicate that she may not be still holding the job she had from April through July, as an end date has now appeared. What once said American Promise, now is listed merely as “AP”, indications that either American Promise did not want her advertising herself as their once Operations Director, or her not wanting people to contact her employer.
(IMAGE SOURCE: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dayshel-reid-418a1447/)