The old general chemical site was posted for sale in May. It is now pending sale.
This pending saled comes after a tow yard was denied the ability to operate at that site. The moral of the story is – if you are going to buy a property – make sure you are allowed to do what you want to do with, before buying. Exceptional towing failed to determine that storage of vehicles was prohibited on the south side, as so many similar businesses already existed, and many contributed to pollution. The site he bought for that use – was already polluted.
Currently there is a builder, who specializes in apartments – poking around and investigating the site. Of course it is currently zoned general manufacturing. If they are able to convert zoning to multipurpose residential, or straight up residential… how many apartments can the fit on an acre plus? Our guess – a lot.

Coneco Builders is a VT based company, who has 9 projects currently at different levels of completion – all large apartment complexes. Currently most of their properties are on the southern border of Massachusetts.
We will continue to follow this developing story.
Love it. Karma’s a bitch. The residents of Leland St deserve what there going to get. A large apartment building. Lol.
Good for the owner of that property. Heard he is going to profit on all the bs he has gone through. When the developers get done building up that property the neighbors are going to wish there was a nice quiet tow yard there. Traffic is already ridiculous on Leland St.
Framingham has become so anti business.