LETTERS: City wants more housing, plans for another 1000 new downtown apartments in next 5 years. Metrowest Chamber of Commerce has ‘GRAVE CONCERNS’.

Letter 1 – City plan from economic development office.

Letter 2 – scroll down, Metrowest Chamber of Commerce has grave concerns.

Letter 3 – Christine Long / Planning & Zoning opinion

1 thought on “LETTERS: City wants more housing, plans for another 1000 new downtown apartments in next 5 years. Metrowest Chamber of Commerce has ‘GRAVE CONCERNS’.

  1. Wat is this craving for more and more housing. When a town is full, it is full. It’s almost as if people in the government were somehow profiting personally by getting new and expensive buildings put up. Certainly, none of our councilors would take favors form various real estate developers ot approve new construction when the market is saturated, and there’s really no more room. Everything is maxed pout- traffic, water, sewer, electrical, schools… the list goes on. At some point it just makes no sesne to add housing, no matter how many people ‘want’ to live in a city. There are places I would love to live in, but I can’t afford it, and I do not expect the place to build more housing for my own wants.

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