Colors Hub & Safe-Lyte – seeking marijuana licenses under social equity provisions? Is Mayor pushing to flood city with Mary Jane? (VIDEO)

We have been made aware of a new kind marijuana business setting it’s sights on Framingham. Colors Hub and Safe Lyfe – both have submitted applications to the state’s Cannabis Control Commission and based on business registration filings appear to be the same company. One business seems to be a research/science company, and the other

Is Simons Auto Body hiring drivers who are unlicensed? Causing accidents?

On August 14, 2022 a two car crash took place on Route 9. A vehicle from the right of two turning lanes, seemed to have taken a U-turn into the car to its left. No injuries, no biggie right? Based entirely on the police report, it seems that the vehicle which caused the accident, was

We told you a gas station sold – the lawsuit behind it – shows how anyone can get away with anything in Framingham’s south side.

On August 17th we let you know about a local gas station that sold. The lawsuit happening in the background – was discovered even more recently. Take a look at the post below before heading back here to read the lawsuit and learn how the city was walked all over – when they could have


In response to our request below: And a full denial of records we filed a state appeal under SPR22-1975. On 9/23/2022 the city responded to the appeal with the following letter: On March 16, 2021 we filed a request for very similar information and on April 13, 2021 we received the info below. What makes

CPA Fund Eligibility Approved for projects submitted by City departments and employees, and denied for the non-connected

As we expected – the moment that CPA applications were taken – that the money would be immediately used to pay for things the city wanted – but could not use taxpayer monies on – but could use CPA taxpayer monies on. 8 projects were submitted to the CPC for eligibility determination – ones that

You would think Samba would want a business eliciting Munchie Madness next door.

You would think that controversial owner Joseph Zhang, of Samba Steak and Sushi would love to have a retail marijuana establishment right next door. It would certainly bring crowds of people, as his current neighbor a salon – brings in old ladies one or two at a time. And with marijuana – comes the munchies.

Ounce Cannabis: a Marijuana product manufacturer and delivery operator coming to DTF?

Being reviewed is a proposal to bring another marijuana business to framingham, this one note on the green mile, and instead just south of DTF. The plan was filed about three weeks ago and we are getting our first look at it now. The plan is described by the applicant as “Siting of a marijuana

FOIA DUMP: FPD Radar Guns Lapsed Certification for nearly 50 Days!

A FU EXCLUSIVE We received inside information a couple weeks ago that the certification for all LiDAR and radar guns utilized by the FPD for speed enforcement – had lapsed. The lapse of certifications occurred from June 24, 2022 through August 9-10, 2022 depending on the individual gun. That’s a lapse of nearly 50 days!!!

COMING UP FOR VOTE TONIGHT: A measure to immediately end aggressive panhandling and the legal opinion against enacting it.

Tonight is the second read of the proposed ordinance. If this measure gets a sufficient vote – it passes and becomes effective immediately. THE MEETING TAKES PLACE ON 9/20/2022 AT 7PM. 241937 You can attend the meeting by ZOOM by clicking the link above. Or you can watch it on FaceBook live – which we

FOIA DUMP: Edgell @ Edmands/Water Street Intersection Improve Project Billing

Request Submitted 9/13/2022 2:43:07 PM Requester Name Sophie Esquier(Sophie Esquier is an associate representing employee benefit funds, unions, and individual employees.) Request Content This constitutes a Massachusetts Public Records Act request for a copy of project documents for construction work performed by United Traffic Control, Inc. (“United Traffic”) in Framingham, MA on Route 9 from March

Nobscot Plaza owner proposal has Christine Long’s and 15 resident’s kinckers in a bunch. Councilor Long says “Framingham does NOT need more apartments”, yet doesn’t fight apartments outside of Nobscot.

In an email to her constituents – City Councillor Christine Long writes: ACTION ITEMS/DISCUSSION/VOTES5. ORDER 2022-107Upon request of the Petitioners, the matter regarding Zoning Map Change-NobscotVillage District be referred to both the Planning Board and the Planning andZoningSubcommittee. Hello Nobscot neighbors, et al, Please note Order 2022-107 above – the citizens petition as a zoning change tothe

“The anonymous, infamous, hateful F-U page stole city documents and published – several times – all my personal information. It feels like a violation, actually very crappy, but one gets over it.” And it’s happening again…

For years and years Beth Greeley complained about little stuff that irked her to her man in the city, Mike Tusino. She circumvented the standard routes for lodging complaints and got her way, faster, and her neighbors felt the wrath of Beth, hard and fast. Beth had the building department/inspectional services director’s ear – at