Posted for reference only

FOIA REQUEST (not requested by FU or its people):

Dear Mr. Iverson,

This is a request under the Massachusetts Public Records Law (M. G. L. Chapter 66, Section 10). I am requesting that I be provided a copy of the following records:

1. All memoranda either written or electronic; all documents evidencing internal or external discussions with attorneys either associated with Petrini & Associates or other law firms/lawyers, financial advisors, or other economic advisors; all emails; all text messages between anyone on the Mayor’s staff; financial analyses; economic forecasts; cost studies; meeting notes; journals, or other writings discussing the termination of City Solicitor Christoper Petrini, Petrini and Associates, or any partner or associated attorneys upon which the decision to sever relations with the said Christopher Petrini and/or Petrini & Associates.

2. All other writings or materials that demonstrate that the cost to the taxpayers of the City of Framingham will be lessened by such termination.

3. All letters of proposal from any lawyer, law firm or other entity seeking to act as City Solicitor for the City of Framingham. 

I recognize that you may charge reasonable costs for copies, as well as for personnel time needed to comply with this request.


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