In an email to her constituents – City Councillor Christine Long writes:
5. ORDER 2022-107
Upon request of the Petitioners, the matter regarding Zoning Map Change-
Village District be referred to both the Planning Board and the Planning and
Hello Nobscot neighbors, et al,
Please note Order 2022-107 above – the citizens petition as a zoning change to
the not so long ago change that resulted in the B4 Village Zoning District. The
documents can be found on the City Council’s agenda for September 20, 2022. If
you recall, B4 Village Zoning took many years to develop and opposition to
dense development in Nobscot has been a long-standing issue. To my knowledge,
this sentiment has not changed amongst those of us living in the Nobscot area.
This proposal needs to be voted to send to the committee I Chair, Planning &
Zoning, and the Planning Board, and is probably the most disrespectful zoning
request that I can ever recall as a long-standing member of Framingham’s
government, both as the former PB Chair and now as your City Councilor and
Chair of the P & Z Subcommittee. This proposal plans to develop 26 acres of
currently zoned R4 (1 acre) zoning properties.
The proponent of this is Steve Cucinatti, cell phone #781-696-4428.
Please call this man and voice your opposition to this proposed zoning change!
Send him a clear message of your view as one living here that was not
Please email and call ALL City Councilors to let them know what you think about
this proposition.
Please note whose names are on the petition – not any direct abutter. I have
had several conversations with Mr. Cucinatti advising him that this is not the
appropriate location for a development of this density as Nobscot is NOT a
commercial node but a residential “cut-through” neighborhood comprised of few
commercial properties. The intent of the existing B-4 Village Zoning was to
redevelop a blighted plaza, not to expand into residential neighborhoods as
this proposal intends to do.
What is more disturbing about this proposal is that Market Basket is the
financial backer of this multifamily project and that the developer has told me
that this proposal is being supported by some members of City Council, PB and
ZBA which includes assisted living,4 more apartment buildings, 9 townhouses and
access to Edgell and Edmands Road. I am sure most of you can figure out who
they are.
There are 2 small restaurants also proposed to qualify as a mixed-use project.
Say goodbye to open space with this plan and safety of your neighborhoods. This
proposal affects districts represented by Councilors Steiner, Cannon, King and
Leombruno, besides myself.
Please review the old PB meetings where we discuss the B-4 zoning and see who
supports this idea and who does not. We have not seen the results of the
apartments slated to be built on Water Street yet as the first installment of
this zoning change. Yet this arrogant developer feels we should double the
size of the zoning map to accommodate his proposal. It is interesting to note,
the expansion into the residential neighborhoods is necessary to avoid this
becoming “spot zoning”. This proposal is similar to that of the recent Market
Basket development in Maynard at Rte. 27/117 which are highway corridors.
Nobscot is not a highway corridor. Edgell and Edmands are scenic roads and
were not meant to accommodate commercial use. You can count on me to vote
against this referral and against this zoning as inappropriate and devastating
to this particular neighborhood. Framingham does NOT need more apartments
regardless of the sentiment of the current legislature and Governor. We have
met our requirements and the zoning proposal I have made to increase affordable
housing to 2% and workforce to 3% meets the recent changes to zoning to provide
15% affordability.
Respectfully submitted,
Christine Long
Councilor D1
Chair, Planning & Zoning Subcommittee
10 Hemenway Road
In her letter District 2 City Councilor Christine Long suggests that the public should harrass the petitioner, and should harass specific members of city council, and boards and commission members – if you can figure out who they are. She also doxes Steve Cucinattti by giving out his cell phone number, possibly a personal cell.
Lastly Christine Long states that “Framingham does NOT need more apartments
regardless of the sentiment of the current legislature and Governor.“. Unfortunately she has never fought against any individual south side apartment building, only ones that affect her own neighborhood.