You would think that controversial owner Joseph Zhang, of Samba Steak and Sushi would love to have a retail marijuana establishment right next door. It would certainly bring crowds of people, as his current neighbor a salon – brings in old ladies one or two at a time. And with marijuana – comes the munchies. But Zhang makes it clear that he does not want a marijuana neighbor – and thinks there is too much of it in this city already.
In the letter from his attorney – Zhang expresses “that the proposed Greencare Collective, LLC marijuana dispensary will detract from the quality of life for the City generally by oversaturating Worcester Road with pot shops, in addition to the practical reality that the City will be approving the sale of marijuana in a residential area and next to a learning center for youth.”

This is the first time he’s cared about the quality of life for the city residents – as his numerous alcohol violation hearings and misuse of his business as a nightclub and related documents (EXHIBIT X BELOW) show a blatant disregard for those around him. Maybe he’s finally grown up. Good for him!