We have been made aware of a new kind marijuana business setting it’s sights on Framingham. Colors Hub and Safe Lyfe – both have submitted applications to the state’s Cannabis Control Commission and based on business registration filings appear to be the same company.
One business seems to be a research/science company, and the other seems to be a retailer of sorts.
In last night’s City Council Ad Hoc Marijuana Task Force, it was discussed that the mayor is pushing for more, or even unlimited licenses for marijuana businesses in the city. They also want to include more of Framingham in the marijuana overlay district – allowing sites – within residential areas, and not on major routes. Here’s some highlights from the near hour long meeting.
The city wants to add social equity marijuana licenses to the mix, allowing smaller and diverse entities to get in on the big $$$ marijuana action here in Framingham.

A reader has reached out to us to tell us that Colors Hub has leased office space at 160 Speen Street (near TJX/Margaritas). A paper sign on the door of suite 307 reads Colors Hub, Inc. Our source indicates that they have never seen anyone enter or leave the office in about a year. It appears that they are paying rent.
There were cleaners in the office at one point who left the door open, and inside was a mound of paper on the floor and nothing else. The office is completely empty, completely. Certified notices and IRS letters get affixed to the outside of the door and they sit there for weeks.
The documents below indicate that this is a marijuana business – and likely seeking approval from the city to do business. We were advised that there are several entities looking in to these corporations and the proposed business lines. We are waiting for their reports.