On August 14, 2022 a two car crash took place on Route 9. A vehicle from the right of two turning lanes, seemed to have taken a U-turn into the car to its left. No injuries, no biggie right?
Based entirely on the police report, it seems that the vehicle which caused the accident, was owned by Simons Auto Body located just off DTF on Waverly/135. Not only that – it seems that the employee they entrust to driving their vehicles, or a loaner given to a customer – was unlicensed.
If you have an opinion on the matter of unlicensed individuals driving, or on businesses doing due diligence on the employees they hire to operate their vehicles, or to loan out, especially if you are considering allowing them to work on your vehicles – you might want to keep in mind the crash report posted below.
If Simons Auto Body wants to reach out to us on this matter, to file a defamation lawsuit (expected) or to make a statement (the better option) they can shoot us a line at Team@FUnFiltered.com.