Month: September 2022

TRENDING STORY: More details revealed on the McAuliffe Charter School embezzlement coverup.

A FIRST LOOK: Tonight’s Planning Board (9/15/22) Bogho’s Properties presentation on massive ‘Chicken Bone’ apartment building
TRENDING STORY: More details revealed on the McAuliffe Charter School embezzlement coverup. ATTEND THE PLANNING BOARD MEETING AT 7PM ON THURS SEPT 15 2022 LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81140615606?pwd=NG0wY3ZEMzNJWE5XSytRR2M3NnEvUT09Password: 940416 CLICK TO ENLARGE IMAGES

NEW McAuliffe Timeline Reveals – Secrets and Lies by School to Staff, Executive Director to Police, Chairman of the Board to the Board and to SOURCE
This new timeline is accurate insofar as is based on info available, but not all the info that is out there. In our FOIA request, we could not get more than what we did from the McAuliffe Charter School as there was pushback as they claimed each email would need to be redacted and it

In 2006 Framingham State College, wanted a commuter rail stop.
Click to enlarge pages

FOIA DUMP: Essential Services Finding Facility: MetroWest Medical Center – Framingham Union Hospital Services: Oncology Infusion Radiation Oncology Ref. #: 2020-520

Human Relations Commission DID violate the Open Meeting Law
SCOREBOARDFrank Wood – 7 Human Relations Commission-0 Shockingly – the Human Relations Commission never formally responded to our second open meeting law complaint back in June though now, mid-September. Maybe with this letter they will recognize this is a broken commission and decide to make the remainder of 2022 a rebuilding year. This is info

Kevin Shea suing Framingham for $235,512.92
Posted for reference only
FOIA REQUEST (not requested by FU or its people): Dear Mr. Iverson, This is a request under the Massachusetts Public Records Law (M. G. L. Chapter 66, Section 10). I am requesting that I be provided a copy of the following records: 1. All memoranda either written or electronic; all documents evidencing internal or external

Severe Weather: Wind, Hail, Tornado all possible in Framingham today.
On Tuesday 9/13/2022, the NOAA Severe Prediction Center has issued an alert for central Mass, a risk form marginal to slight – inclusive of the Framingham to Worcester area. The risk is highest for severe weather from 3pm to 7pm with convection (storms) possible morning til night. Any storm that hits us will have a