Month: October 2022

FOIA DUMP: Actual tax revenue from marijuana 3% option in Framingham
THE REQUEST: Requesting all quarterly 3% marijuana local option taxes received (2020-present) REQUESTED BY: Brendan Kelleher THE RESPONSE: (note that these numbers are fiscal years) 2020-Nothing 2021-$408,693.36 2022-$664,955.53 2023-$167,131.79 to date

Don’t grab the doggie bags – thats human poop at church!
Parishioners, staff, and clergy – at a local downtown Brazilian church were shocked to find their entrance and back lot trashed with items left by the homeless population – including human excrement in the entranceway. Sisitsky wants to push the appearance of a gentrifying downtown economy, but really any businesses attracted by him or his

SPICER’S INTERVIEW STARTS APPROXIMATELY 2 HR 4 MIN IN. To read the resumes and applicant letters of all the candidates click here.

Three white men and a woman who checks all the boxes… Decision for Stoughton’s Town Manager expected on Tuesday November 1
On October 27th the Stoughton Select Board interviewed 4 candidates for Town Manager. Yvonne Spicer’s portion began just over 2 hours in. Stoughton Select Board may choose Spicer to lead their municipality on November 1, 2022, at approximately 8:35pm. You can watch this meeting online at https://meet.google.com/wjk-vxej-iqo . Alternatively you can listen in by calling

Sandip Patel, Owner, Waverley Wine & Spirits asks Framingham to vote YES on #3.
Mega Store Chain Total Wine – just spent $2,100,000 to fight question #3 in Massachustts. That should be all you need to know. Vote Yes to support the little guys! Question 3 is supported by 2nd and 3rd generation Massachusetts-based small businesses. Let’s vote YES on November 8th to protect local retailers. Learn more at:

Citizen Participation Officer selected by Mayor.
The CPO appointee, Pamela Nichols, will go through a city council subcommittee process and full council vote on November 1. On October 25th. the city council voted to combine the role of Senior Advisor for External Affairs into the role of Citizen Participation Officer. Along with the combination of responsibilities, came an pay increase from

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer selected by Mayor
The DEI appointee, Jesse Edwards, will go through a city council subcommittee process and full council vote on November 1. The job has been vacant since December 10, 2021, when Maritza Barros left to work for the city of Revere.

Open Letter: “You owe the children of Framingham an apology”
To the Framingham School Committee and Dr. Tremblay, You owe the children of Framingham an apology. You owe the parents of Framingham an apology. You the school committee and superintendent, minus the new members did irreparable harm to the children of this city. You let fear over rule your job to advocate for best education

Yvonne Spicer seeks to lead municipality again
On October 27th, 2022, approximately a year after being defeated by Sisitsky, Spicer seeks to defeat three candidates for the top job… in Stoughton. As soon as the select board meeting video is posted – we’ll share it. If you want to reach out to the Stoughton Select Board use this link. We hope you

FOIA DUMP: Statement of Justification for Alternative Assessment & Identified Disabilities Eligible
The Requester: Metrowest Legal Services The Request: The statement of justification that the school district gave for the need of the local educationagency to assess greater than 1% of students in any given subject with an alternate assessment for the school years of 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 pursuant to 34 C.F.R Section 200.6(c)(3)(ii) and (iv); The

DTF Police Report – D’mar Smash & Grab

WELCOME INDIA: “His car malfunctioned and accelerated into reverse and he lost control of the vehicle”, dazed and confused, he left the building he severely damaged, and proceeded to go to work in Marlborough.
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: We have discovered a major land purchase of 50 acres on the north side and are expecting a luxury housing development to be proposed in the near term, to be placed just north of Millwood.

Dudley, the Great Farm Savior and his $50,000,000 idea. If you liked Millwood – You’re gonna LOVE this!
It appears that Doug Stephan, owner of Eastleigh Farm – has purchased the former Fafard estate at 1060, 1062, and 1062a Grove Street. He obtained a mortgage for just over $5,500,000 under a business name, 1060 Grove Street LLC, on August 24th, 2022. The full purchase price for the estate was $9,900,000. At the three

The Audrey Hall farce continues. Will AFTV finally revoke her hall pass?
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: We have discovered a major land purchase of 50 acres on the north side and are expecting a luxury housing development to be proposed in the near term, to be placed just north of Millwood. In March of 2022 we received a letter from a concerned citizen. We posted it, and