FOIA DUMP: Atty seeks construction data on Nobscot intersection improvement. Cost Breakdown

Request Submitted9/13/2022 2:43:07 PM
Requester NameSophie Esquier
Request ContentThis constitutes a Massachusetts Public Records Act request for a copy of project documents for construction work performed by United Traffic Control, Inc. (“United Traffic”) in Framingham, MA on Route 9 from March 2022 through the present. The general contractor on the project is Baltazar Contractors, Inc. (“Baltazar”).

This request includes a copy of the contract and/or any agreement with United Traffic and/or Baltazar for performance of the work, any proposal and insurance information submitted by United Traffic and/or Baltazar for this work, a copy of all invoices and/or certified payroll records submitted by United Traffic for its work, and any bonds for this work.


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