On July 7th, 2022 Jim Rizoli filed to run for Lt Governor.

A year earlier Dianna Ploss filed to run for governor.

On April 4 2022 Holly Tse replaced Wargot Walbourne as treasurer of the Ploss committee.

On August 3 2022 Holly Tse sent a resignation letter to the state – vacating her role as treasurer for both the Ploss and Rizoli committees.

Both Rizoli and Ploss have failed to file reports on donations and expenditures for two months, and both have failed to retain a new treasurer, and are both subject to legal sanctions if they do not resolve this issue in a matter of days.

The pair has until Tuesday – one day after their favorite holiday – Indegenous Peoples Day, to correct this issue, or the pair may be referred to the Office of Campaign & Political Finance’s legal dept for further action.
Both campaigns violate finance laws if the spend or receive funds with no treasurer appointed. The treasurer resigned on August 3rd. While Ploss took in no donations after that time, she did spend money.

Rizoli on the other hand raised no money nor did he spend any monies post the resignation.
The state has the ability to impose fines in the amount of hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Campaigns that work with the OCPF to remediate such audits, are usually let off with a warning (like Eugene Gryzwna), Rizoli and Ploss have ignored Audits since the August 3rd date.

Subsequent offenses could have these candidates referred to the Attorney General’s Office.