On April 13th, a person, claiming to be representing a group of people, and going by the name Lily Malone, sent an email to the Human Relations Commission, care of the Citizen Participation Officer, begging for their help, begging for an agenda item to be placed on their next meeting. ‘She’ wrote:

The email above was sent at 6:54 pm, or at least the first few sentences were. Minutes later at approximately 7:03 pm, in a scheduled City Council meeting, Beth Greeley takes a stand against FU, during the public participation part of the meeting.
On April 16th, three days after emailing the Lily Malone feeling frustrated that nobody seems to care about FU but ‘herself’, Beth, and ‘a group of residents’. The email sent to the Human Relations Commission has been ignored, and ‘she’ wants to make it public, without making whoever ‘she’ really is, known.
To do that, ‘she’ filed a FOIA request. The goal would be to take public records that have not been released publicly, and get them released publicly.

Six days after Lily Malone sent her FOIA request, on April 22nd, Beth Greeley wrote to the full city council displeased that there had been no movement by the City Council to condemn FU.

Lily Malone received her FOIA response on April 26th. It contained the email at the top of the page and the file below. In it you will find some of our headlines, our imagery, and how this group of people articulated how it made them hurt.
You’ll want to CLICK TO ENLARGE these images.
While you are looking at these pages, the question remains… who is Lily Malone? Who is this group of residents? And why does Beth Greeley hate so much FU?