Does Sisitsky want to move City Offices from the Memorial Building? Is there a massive conflict of interest here?

Under Spicer, she tried to get the city to purchase the Perini building off of Union Street for $13,000,000 which was nearly $2,000,000 more than the city consultants decided the building was worth.

Under Sisitsky, the city is looking at a few properties to move the memorial building staff. One of which is disclosed in this email below, 111 Lawrence Street. This is the building that until recently housed Philips Lifeline.

Here’s the biggest issue. This email is between the city economic development department and Bowditch & Dewey attorney Kathy Garrahan, a attorney specializing in real estate and development, and who is shoving through massive apartment complexes downtown.

You will see (below) that some of the projects that Garrahan is involved with, have been or are very controversial ones. Shall we be understanding that the mayor wants something that Garrahan has to offer, and that there are lots of plans that Garrahan wants the city to rubber stamp? Because in the emails below, we see the presentation of projects, and while not presented here – in this post, the responses show that the city is working very hard to help her get her plans approved.

And here are some of the controversial projects. An ugly big blocky storage facility on OCP and a south side massive housing project with significantly too few parking spaces provided.

She is involved in new marijuana business development.

The one below is proof that the city lied on a FOIA response – We will elaborate on this later, but sufficive to say – this administration is hiding stuff.

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