There is ample evidence showing that Newton developer Charlie Zammuto is not a good player when it comes with following the rules in his developments. He has for example changed a mega apartment building from sewer to septic, without consulting the city in the first place. He has also broken building code and rules in Ashland. We have the evidence to back up these claims.

We know that Daniel’s Table has been struggling financially. However selling to Zammuto will work against the goal of the charity itself. Zammuto builds mega apartment buildings, that are not affordable. Daniel’s Table works to feed those who are food insecure, and selling their property to a developer who will help make the city less affordable is counterintuitive.
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2022 12:33 PM
To: ‘’
Cc: ‘Charles Zammuto’
Subject: Meeting Today re 26 Pearl Street et al
Hello Sarkis,
It was a pleasure to have met with you this morning, not only to discuss Charlie’s nascent project at 26 Pearl Street, but also to hear about the other exciting plans that are making Framingham a more vibrant community. The energy you have brought to your position was palpable in our discussion. Both Charlie and I look forward to working with you on future projects for some time to come. You will find Charlie to be a conscientious and trustworthy partner in that regard. Until then…
Be Well,
Terrence P. Morris, Esq.
Attorney at Law
57 Elm Road
Newton MA 02460-2144
617 202-9132
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2022 9:41 AM
Cc: ‘Charles Zammuto’
Subject: Meeting RE: 26 Pearl Street et al
Good morning Sarkis,
I trust this note finds you having enjoyed your summer. I left you a voicemail just now with the same message. You may recall that Charlie Zammuto and I met with you in July (see email above) to discuss Charlie’s interest in developing property at 26 Pearl Street. As you will recall, we discussed the significance of the city-owned garage across the street which is critical to a redevelopment of the entire block. I understand from Charlie that you and he met in your office recently and that you indicated you would be convening a meeting of interested stakeholders sometime this month to discuss the disposition of the garage as it impacts development in the area. Kindly let us know the status and timing of such a meeting as we would be active participants. Thank you.
Be Well,
Terrence P. Morris, Esq.
Attorney at Law
57 Elm Road
Newton MA 02460-2144
617 202-9132
2 thoughts on “DTF – Pearl Street Mega Apartment Planned by C Zammuto? Daniel’s Table selling out to make city more unaffordable?”