We have not yet broken down ALL the data, we have broken down some of it.
For Question 4, where a yes vote would keep the law to allow undocumented immigrants to get drivers licenses, and a no would rescind the law and ban drivers licenses for undocumented immigrants. In most of the city, the vote was 2 votes yes to every 1 vote no. In precincts 1, 2, 3, 13, and 14 – there were approximately 3 votes yes for every 1 no vote.
We used these stats to determine the areas with the least and most racist voters, or you might consider this the least or most constitutional voters. We’ll give you the numbers – and let you determine how you want to consider high and low values.
The higher the number – we’ll consider those precincts as more racist / constitutional.
Precinct 23 – 71 (highest)
Precinct 19 – 68
Precinct 16 – 67
Precinct 24 – 65
Precinct 20 – 63
Precinct 18 – 63
Precinct 8 – 61
The lower the number – we’ll consider those precincts as the least racist / constitutional.
Precinct 2 -29 (lowest)
Precinct 1 – 31
Precinct 3 – 33
Precinct 14 – 35
Precinct 13 – 35
Precinct 12- 45
Precinct 4 – 46
Precinct 9 – 48
Unlisted precincts have a range of 50-60 and are considered to be a statistical average.