FOIA DUMP: ‘City of Framingham Transition Team Report, and…

Here it is, the City of Framingham Transition Team Report as prepared for new mayor Charlie Sisitsky a year ago. The city and it’s committees’ worked tirelessly to create this document only for it to be largely ignored by the current administration. And why the fuck is Adam Sisitsky still involved? After the work of the transition team, for which he was a member, he was still on the inside for these high level messages. And why did prior FOIA seeking correspondence where the Mayor and his son Adam come up completely empty. Is the current administration lying on their FOIA responses to cover shit up? Or perhaps it is that Charlie has been using a private email server, notice the email address redaction above, to complete city business. There is no way to deny that.

The document is clear as day. Charlie used a private email server to conduct city business. What is he, and his son up to…. and what secrets are they hiding?

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