On Tuesday, the City Council will discuss municipal aggregation of electric services. Once they approve the plan, all residents will be automatically changed to a more expensive electric service unless they take action to opt out.
The example flyer below states that it’s each consumer’s choice, but the reality is that its not a choice, its an automatic change. Those who do not follow the government or are actively involved in local activities may not know about the change and how to avoid the switch. The only people who will not need to mail in a postcard to opt out – in order to keep the basic electric service that they have today – are those on low income discounts with the electric company now. Everyone else will be swapped to more expensive electricity that works no better than the cheaper version.

CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PRESENTATION ON MUNICIPAL AGGREGATION WHICH WILL BE PRESENTED FOR THE FIRST TIME ON TUESDAY. The presentation indicates that the city will listen to the public on this matter until June 1, 2023, at which time, they will choose to do it. Because they don’t care about the little guy. They only care about appearing to be green.
Below you’ll find the draft proposal, on how the city will outreach to the public about this very ill-timed rate hike… with rates already double what they were a year ago.

1 thought on “City Council & Sustanability Committee seek to Rip-Off it’s Poorest Residents so in order to make some of it’s Richest & Most Influential ones… Look Greener!”