The following is a letter received by the Planning Board in regards to a Charlie Zammuto proposed mega apartment building.

The top two listed LLC’s are owned by VTT, a major apartment developer in the City of Framingham. The developer of the building VTT and Kerstegens is seeking to stop is Charlie Zammuto, another major metro-west apartment developer.
It is interesting that a business that has and continues to purchase properties and build massive apartment buildings… seeks to stop others from doing so, based on the fact that VTT and Kerstegens both own retail property nearby. Because isn’t more people beneficial to ones retail tenants…. you would think.
Perhaps it’s possibly the x-number of apartment unit cap per year recently proposed by Stefanini, pushing this move. Or perhaps it’s because they themselves plan to develop some mega-apartment units on Franklin St, and worry that one right there already may make it hard for their own developmental goals to be approvable.
In the least, it will be fun to watch the developer on developer infighting.