They Really Love Us….

Poor Beth. She packed up, moved to VA to start a new life chapter to be closer to her newest grandchild. Does she spend her days enriching the grandchild. No, it seems she wants just stir the hate pot by  constantly complaining about our little website.

It’s funny because her latest way to complain is to link to a story about anonymous posts that affect voters in her fav “legitimate”  news source, the ol’ Metrowest Daily News.

Did she really read the article though? It was reported that:
 “Darlene Hayes, chair of the Hopkinton Democratic Town Committee, as well as an elected member to the Board of Commissioners for the Hopkinton Housing Authority, had used more than 20 different pseudonyms while posting in the comment section of the website — with a bulk of the comments being criticisms of her local political opponents.”

What’s funny is that Darlene is the Chair of the Local Democrat Commitee. Kind of like some guy who made Framingham famous for expressing his support of eugenics. Now that guy didn’t do much anonymous. No he just called or message ppl saying the things he didn’t like that you might be saying trying to get you to stifle your free speech. There were others that did the anonymity thang.

Like the campaign advisor to Mayor Spicer. The mayor paid him and he, most likely, created multiple fake profiles to try to discredit any criticism of the mayor. He liked to label you a racist for discussing how bad a mayor she was.

Then there’s the local television personality who runs the private Facebook Framingham politics group. She tries to smear and belittle those they disagree with. Her minions seem to lash out at once,saying the same things,  following the talking points from her secret Framingham politics group. It’s like the inner circle of the Framingham Democratic Committee. We know that not all the FDC were thrilled with the Eugenicist and wanted to discuss removing him as Chair. But that plan was thwarted by a slight majority that the  Eugenicist seems to control.

Many of those inner circle types live on the north side and are really snobby about us southsiders. You should respect our thousands of followers and that we have broken many news stories in the past. And it’s not about the people that contribute here, the Frank Woods. 

All our stories come in the form of tips from the public. We work the streets. The closest you’ve come to the streets down here is passing through. You’ve never exited your car unless it was to go into town or city hall.

I know you caught us once with that monkey photoshop but that was only used to illustrate what we heard was said in city hall about the mayor.

So please please please tell us what story was racist, homophobic, or generally hateful. We keep looking but can’t find it.

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