On October 24th, we posted the tip above in the image to FU’s Facebook page. It was received on our anonymous tip line. At that time we filed a FOIA request to learn about why Halloween was banned on the buses.

So we have heard that holidays are not allowed to be celebrated in the schools because some kids feel left out. However in Ashland and Natick, Halloween fun is allowed and in some cases encouraged. And we also have heard that in some schools, within our district, such as the high school and various elementary and middle schools allowed costumes and festive fun.

Why are holidays being celebrated in the Memorial Building where employees might feel left out if they are Jewish and there are Christmas festivities, or during the most recent Halloween Spooktacular, in which the city went all in to decorate and staff the event with all departments coming out to man booths? Why are there conflicting rules within our schools, city, and buses?