Call your city councilor to have your street shut down for Trick or Treating. They Will!

Can city councilors just call the PD and shut down streets so little Bobby Jo can have a safe space to trick or treat??? Apparently yes… Give me a fucking break.

As seen in Nobscot- Saxonville Neighbors & Friends (Facebook)

In the thread that followed, a participant asked if “this was a city sanctioned or resident sanctioned” event, and the anonymous participant replied “this was coordinated with our local city councilman and the Framingham Police Dept”.

Some of the roads in this city are dangerous and some are quite dark, and many lack sidewalks… It seems to me that if a resident can request their street be closed to traffic for trick or treating, any resident with concerns should be allowed to close their streets. This is bad precedent set, especially on a dead end street with limited traffic, and by that fact alone, not a more dangerous street for trick or treating than many other streets in the city.

1 thought on “Call your city councilor to have your street shut down for Trick or Treating. They Will!

  1. This is a trend as many parents are so worried their little darlings are so incompetent, they cannot cross the street safely. Someon4e in Canton tried this and the town selectmen shut it down. It’s a very selfish thing to do. What’s going to happen? close every street down for Halloween? When I was a kid, one of the greatest bits of Halloween was being allowed to go out at night visiting strange houses.

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