Reardon lived in and may have been evicted from SMOC housing at 46 Pratt Street, DTF. Below you can find a complaint, of a SMOC resident who stated he “lived in fear of Reardon”. He blamed FPD Officer Susan Machado for his eviction from housing, and filed repeated complaints against her.

He has been before Housing court judges fighting eviction from SMOC housing for years.

We’ve obtained additional evidence of his SMOC housing. Numerous complaints originated from Reardon to the Health Department, on the conditions at this SMOC shelter. Below is just an example. Reardon in this case lived in unit 6, filed the complaint but would not allow the health department in.

In 2016, Reardon was investigated for threats to commit crimes. And documentation of homicidal ideation, as well as claiming to have ‘two kills’ in a statement to a bank employee, stating that he’s looking to have a third.
“I told the teller that I wanted to be a serial killer for Halloween. She asked me how I planned to do that and I told her that I needed to kill a third person in order to be considered a serial
killer. I asked her jokingly if she would be my third victim“

The following affidavit was filed in US District Court by FBI Special Agent Joshua Bouchard.

3 thoughts on “Man calling in threats to synagogue had Framingham ties. A past of homicidal ideation, crimes, and assaults.”