“The project site is located on Concord Street between the William R. Dickson Bridge/Concord Street
Bridge and Stones Court. There is also work along Central Street between Water Street and Concord
Street which is the end of the overall project. The total project length is approximately 1,500 feet in the
City of Framingham. The project’s purpose is to improve the roadway and intersections in Saxonville Village. The scope of the work for the overall project includes full-depth pavement reconstruction, mill and overlay, installation of a new sidewalk, new signals, new street lighting, limited streetscape improvements and other incidental improvements. There will be a new traffic signal system at the intersection of Concord Street and
Watson Place. There will also be an addition of public green space throughout the project limit of work.
All of the proposed work will be done within the existing public highway layout and City-owned land,
therefore no permanent or temporary impacts to private properties are anticipated.”