Asland condo complex put up dog waste stations to help control dog waste in area, now want to charge only dog owners…

A recent FOIA to the town of Ashland indicates that a condo complex in town, installed dog waste/bag stations in their complex, to help control dog waste… It appears that now the trustees of the condo complex are seeking to saddle licensed dog owners for the cost to maintain the waste stations going forward. Is this fair? What about dog owners who don’t license their pets? Why should just dog owners be suddenly saddled with a new fee, when it was a group decision of all, to install the stations? What about quantities of poop, the difference between a bichon frize or a great dane? Who pays more?

Do the dog owners even know this is the plan, or is this about to be sprung on them?

James Toledano


I am a trustee for the Village of America. We recently put up dog stations to help control the dog waste in our area. We want to charge unit owners who have dogs to offset the cost of maintenance of the stations. 

Can I get a list of units that have dog licenses on America Blvd, Queen Isabella Way, and John Hancock Dr. Names and unit numbers for the current year. 

(excel download below)