Op/Ed: FPS Senior Leadership have failed Students & Staff

“Framingham Public Schools is on a fast decline, but Tremblay keeps telling us that the schools are getting better. But our schools are the worst in the state. It takes 3 years for principals to turn schools around, but nobody wants to stay. If we do not have good administrators who want to stay, how will the schools get better? Four of our schools are at the bottom of our state. Brophy was in the 3rd percentile on MCAS in 2023. This means that 97% of public schools in Massachusetts are better than Brophy. But after just a year, the principal of Brophy, Jessica Mandes, left in the beginning of 2023-2024. She didn’t want to stay. Why not? Why couldn’t Tremblay keep her? Harmony Grove was in the same situation. 3rd percentile. 97% of schools are better than Harmony Grove. But the principal, Juliana Kessler, left after less than three years in December! Why didn’t she want to stay? Why couldn’t Tremblay keep her? How are these schools going to improve without principals who want to stay?

These aren’t the only schools losing administrators. Potter Road lost its principal at the end of 22-23. Stapleton lost its principal at the end of 23-24. And Framingham High School lost its principal in the middle of 23-24. Why wouldn’t these principals stay? Why couldn’t Tremblay keep them?

What is Tremblay doing to keep administrators in the district? What is HR doing to retain principals? I’m sure they are doing something because in the same breath, guess who is staying? The principal of the worst school in the district. Fuller Middle School is in the 2nd percentile on MCAS. The principal, Kerry Wood, has been there since 2019 and has moved the school from the 7th percentile to 2nd percentile. But she stays. Does she think she is doing a good job? Does Tremblay think she is doing a good job?

What’s going on at Framingham Public Schools? Maybe it’s time to come clean.”

Submitted by Anonymous 7/10/24, 3:00 PM