THE REQUEST: I am writing to request access to and copies of all email and communication records between either City Council Chairman Philip R. Ottaviani, Jr. (pottaviani@framinghamma.gov) and/or Mayor Charlie Sisitsky with David Depietri at RMA Management (ddepietri@rma-mgt.com). This request also includes any relevant communications from Mr. Ottaviani’s personal Gmail account, which pertain to government business relations regarding syringes and needles in Framingham. Specifically, I am seeking: – All email and other communication records between either Mayor Charlie Sisitsky and/or Philip R. Ottaviani, Jr. with David Depietri. – Any communications from Philip R. Ottaviani, Jr.’s personal Gmail account related to government business and interactions with David Depietri. – Records pertaining to Program RISE or JRI (Justice Resource Institute). – Any discussions or references related to the toilet/bathroom, syringes, needles, or other JRI/RISE related matters in Framingham. The timeframe for this request is from January 1, 2024 through August 5, 2024. If there are any fees associated with the processing of this request, please inform me of the cost estimates in advance. Additionally, if any part of this request is deemed exempt from disclosure, please provide a detailed explanation of the exemption and release all non-exempt portions of the records. Thank you for your assistance with this matter. |