Panhandlers or Swindling Entrepreneurs – read this and think twice before giving

They do it because there’s great money in it. These two guys working between the Target/Lowe’s/Shoppers World plaza are working right now, working the good people of Framingham. Maybe because they don’t look too destitute, because they aren’t scary, because their signs have a sad message, people are more apt to roll down their windows to give.

If you were there to see them arrive – you would be shocked. The stories told in the last city council meeting – aren’t fables. Yes, we have do have some destitute, drug using, persons at various levels of homelessness in our city with their hands out for change. We also have those who are USING the good people of Framingham to score a tax free, nearly six figure salary, without having to work. Lester Baker in the most recent City Council meeting discussed how many of our panhandlers come up from areas like Fall River, where panhandling is not allowed, and they come up in organized groups, some taking in $300+ a day.

If you are in the area of Shoppers World – like right now – Tuesday May 3rd, 2022 – you will see these two people, holding signs, asking for help… claiming homelessness, hard times, and asking for sympathy.

What you don’t know is that these two arrived in a decked-out black late model pickup truck, perhaps a Chevy, and parked near the middle of the lot, in the ares of HomeGoods.

Outside of the truck, in the open they started creating their signs for the day. When their signs were adequately heartbreaking, they walked over to the median to begin their day, mid-day.

These are the organized panhandlers that use the goodwill of the Framingham public to earn a days work (or more) without having to work. These aren’t addicted panhandlers who are just trying to get their next fix, for them, their true high is your money and lots of it.

Take a good look at these two individuals. We have enhanced the images using AI rendering. If one of them comes to your call – feel free to call them out. Today, their jig is up.



Former City Councilor Margareth Shepard is running to be the 6th Middlesex District Massachusetts State Rep – representing all of South Framingham. There will be an election on September 6th to whittle down a field of three candidates to just one.


She is being promoted by people who DO NOT live in the district that she would represent. Supporters include UNPOPULAR people like Mike Hugo, Beth Greeley, Cesar Stewart-Morales, Adam Steiner, Yvonne Spicer, Norma Schulman, Brian Sullivan… and the list goes on.


Learn more about the district and stats on her support.

1 thought on “Panhandlers or Swindling Entrepreneurs – read this and think twice before giving

  1. There is story after story following such people back to their ‘real life’ showing how much of panhandling is a scam. yet there is always a group of people who refuse to beleive any of it. They will always say things like “until; you have walked a mile in their shoes…” or “you’re lucky you don’t know what it’s like…”. There are now more services for poor people in Framingham than ever before. They may not all be great, and may not solve everything, but as someone who HAS BEEN THERE, they keep you from falling through the cracks. If, that is, you want to be helped. Too many people just don;t want the help.

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