FU LOOKS BACK: Flyer Perpetrator Identified? His Connections to Spicer, Schulman, Ritchie? (First Posted 1/5/2020)

Info leading to this post was submitted to us by a third party twice removed. We do not know the source of the info. This information was received in the same manner and we believe the same source as the information leading to our Anti-American Gloria Pascual article, which she eventually admitted to.

Background info:

The election is over and Stefanini was victorious over Alvarez in his District 8 Council run, but it was close, and there was scandal and controversy.

Just days prior to Election Day, mysterious flyers showed up in pockets within district 8, these were not mailed, instead put in people’s mailboxes.

Nobody, even those with cameras got a good look at the perpetrator of the mystery flyers, even Alvarez, council candidate in the district claimed to has received one:

Well nobody got a good look at him until now….

Below this box- All writing, photos and the photographed letter should be considered, opinion, non-factual, as they were all submitted to anonymously and therefore unverifiable.

Click any photo to enlarge.

If Nick Griglack is working for Wes Ritchie of Blue Barn, this puts him possibly working on behalf of Mayor Spicer’s campaign.

Here we see Wes Ritchie and his LinkedIn page showing he worked on the Spicer campaign and also was also the Chief of Staff for the Barbara L’Italien for Congress campaign.

We also see on Facebook that Nick Groglack worked on the same campaign and that the two of them are Facebook friends.

Could just be coincidence… or is it something more.

That’s the biggest and most damning connection, but we also know the moderator of the Framingham Democrats group is Norma Schulman, and we also know that she was pissed when she placed campaign materials for Spicer in the library, that Stefanini (Spicers Mayoral Opponent) moved, stole, removed, pick your wording.

The act was caught on camera. Stefanini later apologized and ultimately lost the election.

In the days leading up to the most recent election, Schulman had been pushing the library incident, still does on occasion. In the photo below we see a photo of Schulman, and coincidentally a Griglack in the background. On Schulman’s list of Facebook friends is Griglack and Ritchie.

Lastly lets link Wes Ritchie and Norma Schulman. Here you will see the two of them together in Spicer for Mayor Headquarters during the evening that she won her bid to be Framingham’s first mayor.

We guess the only question that remains….

Is the flyer delivery man, Griglack. See photos below.

Scroll down for a related story to see how Alvarez was “troubled” when he got one of these flyers in his mailbox.

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