South Side gets told that they should learn to live with crime, In Nobscot, petty theft is treated as a capital crime.

Early Saturday morning, the Queen Karen of the Nobscot Neighbors Facebook group, Audrey Hall, reported on what is a nightly occurrence south of Route 9.

Southsiders have stopped even calling the police because they take hours, if they show up at all, offer zero investigation and they finish with a victim blaming “lock your doors” message.

We posted this screenshot earlier today and predicted that the police would drop everything, even on a weekend, and mount a massive police response… and you know what… they did.

Within hours of Hall’s initial post, the Framingham Police Department’s Facebook page offered the following, blame the victim advice.

However, outside of the public realm, in response on the Nobscot Neighbors thread, the police offered a special response.

You see Nobscot Neighbors is a elitist group that operates under a façade of a local neighborhood group. Unfortunately it is a one sided, highly moderated group, where free speech is allowed, granted it aligns with the visions of the moderators. And – the group as a whole, is a quasi political organization, pushing for the re-election of Spicer.

It has always been that there has been the have’s, and the have not’s in this city. While nobody acknowledges that the disparity exists. it does, and route 9 acts as a basic divider, however the further south you head, to more the disparity exists.

The area in shaded in black, is district 7, 8, and 9 in Framingham. In these areas car break ins are expected, they are nightly, and it is pervasive. The residents in this area have been begging for help, and largely ignored.

Lets demand an end to the disparity. Lets demand a end to special treatment for a small group. Lets make Framingham better top to bottom, because until that happens, Framingham and its experiment in city-hood, cannot ever be deemed a success.

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