FOIA DUMP: All School Vehicles Purchased Since 2017


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THE REQUST: Request the purchase and lease records for all school vehicles acquired since 1/1/2017.  You can post it to the FOIA web site you do not need to email it to me. Much obliged.

THE RESPONSE: Click images below to enlarge.

4 thoughts on “FOIA DUMP: All School Vehicles Purchased Since 2017

  1. This somethgin that bugs me. Some of the city council want to declare a “climate emergency”. OK. But then if this is such an emergency that we have to declare it as such, why are they not looking to cut back on the number of vehicles running around the city? why are they not looking to cut back on power usage of all kinds? Or even working to eliminate buying thing things like temporary signage that are not recyclable? I guess it is OK to signal your virtue of “caring”, but not actually doing anything that would have an actual impact.

    1. There was a push back in the 90’s for more energy efficient vehicles then it died down. early 2000’s new director of DPW full of great ideas, (some were very good) When I left the town in 2012 it had a fleet that no one within 50 miles could compare. The system in place at the time appeared to be an open checkbook. Guys were happy new equipment, tons over overtime life was good, taxpayers were going along with the program. Fast forward 10 years we have a shortage of workers throughout city and tons of well maintained (except sewer pump still waiting CFO) equipment with nobody to operate them. Salaries suck, Eversource taking all good men and women leaving the city with an aged group that now watches as private consultants and contractors do the work we did for years. I watch the sub committee on finance and some of the same wizards that gave them that open checkbook in the early days are now CC. Sad our retirees have to beg for Cola upgrades retirement group tried George had other ideas. Maybe city can sub out their idle equipment to the other towns get it working again. Maybe time for reshuffling depts combine P&R with DPW and school Maint there is some savings and also vehicle reduction? ideas anyone?

  2. I think we should stop all maintenance on the schools. Make the kids walk to school. No buses. Turn off all the lights in the schools. Give the kids glow sticks. When it snows. No plowing. Have the kids shovel the parking lots. Better yet. Close the schools, keep the lights off and send the staff home without pay.
    Just some suggestions on how to combat the costs.

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