PANHANDLING: On Aug 16th the City Council votes to either approve or kill a measure to limit panhandling in the City

The following ordinance will be voted into law, or killed by councilors Adam Steiner, Cesar Stewart Morales, Tracey Bryant, and wildcards Christine Long, Noval Alexander, and Leora Mallach. While many of the councilors passed the ordinance to the second read, it is usually in the second read that the real fight occurs. The second read is the final formal step in passing a ordinance.

There is a real chance that this does not pass.

If you have an opinion on this matter – Email the city council:

Also tune in to the meeting, and feel free to speak up via zoom.

Tuesday August 16th 7PM
Passcode: 747905


2 thoughts on “PANHANDLING: On Aug 16th the City Council votes to either approve or kill a measure to limit panhandling in the City

  1. Nice headline to the article, Come On! I do see these tough looking down on their luck people in the downtown. Seems like quite a group that patrols intersections of Rte 30, Rte 9 hearing they are part of group that does this in other towns. Something has to be done, other than going downtown to pay their bills in city hall older Framingham residents are rarely seen as there. The businesses they remember are long gone, credit union is only remaining biz I go to. What a shame, btw Union Ave construction really sucks, nice planning city who are the professionals responsible for this? Stop with these offensive headlines what’s this a version of NY Post?

  2. The headline is perfect. The girl in the picture is doing exactly what the headline states. She is one of a group that offers those services. A.S, C,M and TB need to cross the tracks and see what it’s like. Take a walk through downtown from the hours of 10 pm and 3 am. You will be horrified. Don’t forget to tour Irving St and Columbia Rd. While your there pick up the needles.

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