4 Mayhew – Developer Foley to Destroy Neighborhoods with Massive Apartment Buildings

You should recognize this name. Robert Foley is purchasing massive amounts of property in the city and aims to convert it all to mega apartment buildings, pot shops, and other profit centers for his legacy.

His purchases are done under individual LLC’s to which keep his name off the radar. 60 Edmands Rd LLC, 89 Edmands Rd LLC, 257 Cochituate Rd LLC, 4 Mayhew LLC, 790 Edgell Rd LLC, Northside LLC, are just a few of the LLC’s recently registered by Foley which are listed as property owning entities.

In the follow images, are plans to show an example of one of Foley’s current plans, to take a small 3 family residence in a neighborhood and turn it into a 3 family house of gargantuan perportions. We are talking about two of the units larger than some single family houses. Two of the units will be 2000+ sq feet. The existing house is only 1850 sq feet.

1 thought on “4 Mayhew – Developer Foley to Destroy Neighborhoods with Massive Apartment Buildings

  1. I like the information you provide in general but your added assumptions are often off base. For example, in this instance you seem to not be aware or give credit to the common and a recommended practice to put different properties and projects in different LLC’s so that they are not all at risk should one of them be subject to a liability claim. If properly conducted, each LLC will have it’s own “corporate shield” previously only afforded to corporate entities. It is just good business to limit liability exposure. If someone was killed or injured on the property the exposure is limited to those business or persons who were negligent and the assets in the owning LLC thereby keeping the assets in the other LLCs safe.

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