5 thoughts on “A FIRST LOOK: Water & Sewer Dept Proposed Reorganization

  1. Looking at the existing positions and the proposed jobs good luck to replacing all these openings, the city refuses to pay the qualified members of 1156 and 1116 union brothers a fair wage. Not sure what the count is up to as of this week, 37 openings? young men and women come here get the licenses needed and move along, hello? the system is not working. Framingham has long been spoiled by DPW and Park and Rec. They get great service not only regular weekly services trash, water and sewer and highway, great playing fields. Problem is right now too many chiefs and not enough Indians. Very top heavy, assistant this and deputy that guys that have not gotten their hands dirty in a while. Pay the laborers build up the workforce then create a level above. Lucky at this point snow has not kicked us in the behind, you heard the complaints under Spicer but really has Charlie done anything to change the equation? The answer is a big no City Council keeps patting each other on the back saying way more is getting done. Name one thing? Still waiting? Taxes are up, service capability is down, salaries have not improved can’t attract qualified workers because surrounding towns are paying better. 78 years old now and this is the worst I have seen Framingham as evidenced by the appearance of the new Gov. Ms Healy to our functioning shorthanded city, word has it there was a call to arms make sure garage is full of happy employees middle to upper management were happy, the work force would have to say not really. Answer here is to trim upper management jobs take money and spread amongst the labor force. It worked for years, then everyone started wearing shirts and ties and the boat sailed away with no one to steer it away from the rocks.

    1. So the shit continues, watching the baffoons on this city council this group is totally misinformed at question is salary adjustment for City Clerk. Well deserved but to come out and say the Unions are the employees that get the raises, this is false how many times over the past 45 years has the union which has to keep waiting till next contract to get their deserved rate. COO who I believe has just completely dropped the ball on current negotiations, suggestion ! get to the table with some real numbers. Every time the unions come up for a contract the city claims poverty, time and time again they are told this year the city or town for you old people is down on money so union will have to wait their turn. Guess what that turn never comes the spread from management to labor only grows further apart, 37 plus people the city is down in DPW alone park and rec down as well, trash and recycling still needs to be picked up, water breaks need to be fixed, sewer problems still exist. Less people same amount of work or even more, pandemic ? did they get to work from home answer NO, mananagment were treated with respect as they are professionals, sorry as Judge Smails says (the world needs ditch diggers) wear a mask shut your mouth do your job. The mayor ran with the support of unions guess what Charlie have you forgot that little tidbit? I pass some of my former union brothers in their vehicles not really knowing any of them some were not born when I left, their trucks still sporting the logo “Excellence in public service” it should read on the other fender ” they forget us at contract time”
      Taxpayers you guys are spoiled no question, make a stink our non professionals need to be recognized the money is there, city council needs to do their homework our guys are doing the job and doing more with less. We should take a poll and see how many laborers we will be down by July 1st. 42 is my guess anyone else want to chime in. My tax dollars are being wasted and
      watching city council meetings are a joke, the chair is a bumbling moron, which brings me to the question how smart are the rest that elected this guy. Weekend at Charlie’s which I saw in the
      fall, perfect description, Phil and his endless editorializing nonsense, Cannon with his pecker in his hand every time his mentions this administration from the last. Collaboration is all I hear, well nothing is getting done but at least we like this Mayor. Sorry Madam Mayor you never had a chance. BTW I should change my handle it should be Oldguy78 as met that age just recently. 60 years ago I graduated from South High for you that remember that school, look forward to reunion.

      1. Since I am replying to my own comments I guess everyone is good with the status quo, the upside down pyramid, how many upper management watching how many laborers? Poor Bob Lewis explaining to the Source the city should be good unless they get 3 inches of snow or more. He must now realize Needham was a day at the beach working with this group in the big office. Which brings me to you Charlie, you’ve had a full year in office your accomplishments have been few and far between. You have been given a long leash Mayor Spicer was taken to task the very first meeting. Little tip, your two most trusted in your cabinet are keeping talented people away. Some sign on and within days realize big mistake. That’s all for now as seems no one cares the ship is heading to the rocks, out of towner COO / CFO controlling purse strings respecting no one the unions will take it on the chin again. Oldguy78

  2. Oldguy. You couldn’t be more right. The dpw is a sinking ship. At this point, it’s all smoke and mirrors. The fact that there hasn’t been a substantial snow storm this season isn’t helping the cause.
    1156 just went to mediation. Mediator was not impressed by Lou and Mike. They actually did ok. They will be making more than the supervisors and admins.
    It’s 1116 that is getting the short end of the stick. 1116 needs to go to mediation.

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